


Lees Ferry Colorado River

Regarded as one of the top tailwater rainbow trout fisheries in the country, Lees Ferry and Glen Canyon Dam have a profound positive impact on the social and economic impact of our state. ZGTU along with many fly fishers and fly fishing clubs have been involved in efforts to influence a controversial plan by the National Park Service (NPS) to remove brown trout in this blue Ribbon Rainbow Trout Fishery. Trout Unlimited membership is certainly interested in maintaining the excellence of that fishery, but we do support decisions based on sound scientific research to guide future actions involving the Colorado River and all of its inhabitants.

Native and Wild Trout

The Arizona Council of Trout Unlimited and Arizona Game and Fish Department sponsor an annual conference each April at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters. Current topics of interest are discussed by experts and include issues such as TU’s Southwest native trout strategy, watershed and stream restorations, trout recovery programs, scientific advances and the status of Apache and Gila trout.

Uranium Mining in the Colorado Watershed

Public Policy/Advocacy

The Public Policy Committee of ZGTU seeks to engage elected officials, political candidates, governmental agency leaders and other organizations that advocate for clean water.  The goal of this very active committee is to promote public policy that will conserve, protect and restore Arizona’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.  There are many ways to get involved with public policy including:
  • Western Rivers Action Network day at the Arizona legislature:  Meet with state senators and legislators to foster relationships and communicate our advocacy for legislation that supports the TU mission.
  • Cast & Blast Event:  This annual event held at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters engages Arizona senators and legislators through fly fishing and shooting sports to build relationships.
  • Letter writing, phone call and e-mail campaigns
Key issues of focus are uranium mining in the Colorado watershed, transfer of federal public lands to Arizona, excessive use of groundwater to facilitate new residential development, intermittent water rules / Clean Water Act.
Contact Tom Osterday to get more involved:

Trout In The Classroom

Trout In The Classroom (TIC) is a program that connects students to their watersheds. TIC is an environmental program that offers students in grades 4-12 the chance to raise trout in a classroom setting. Students get hands on experience in:

▪ raising trout from eggs to fry
▪ monitoring tank water quality
▪ engaging in stream habitat studies
▪ learning to appreciate water resources
▪ beginning to foster a conservation ethic
▪ growing an understanding of ecosystems

During the school year, teachers can tailor the program to fit their needs. Each program is unique and has interdisciplinary applications for STREAM (Science, Technology, Recreation, Engineering, Art and Math) which can support mandated education requirements.

For more information on TIC and how to participate, click the link below.