
Frye and Marijilda Creek ONGI Stocking 10/27 and 10/28

On Wednesday (Oct. 27), Native Trout and Chub program, Region 5, Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Canyon Creek Hatchery, Research Branch, and Habitat Branch staff along with several volunteers from organizations such as Trout Unlimited (TU) and Oxbow Ecological Engineering successfully stocked 500 Gila Trout (South Diamond lineage) in the lower section of Marijilda Creek. All the fish were stocked starting where the Around the Mountain Trail crosses the stream and extending upstream for ~ 1 mi.

At the same time, Region 5, Region 6, USFS, and USFWS staff along with several volunteers from organizations such as the Old Pueblo Chapter of Trout Unlimited successfully stocked 250 Gila Trout (South Diamond Lineage) into Frye Creek. Approximately half of the fish were stocked into the section of Frye Creek near where the trail switchbacks up away from the stream, approximately 1 mile upstream from the parking lot, and the other half were stocked in a section of Frye Creek about 0.5 mile upstream from the first stocking location.

On Thursday (Oct. 28), Native Trout and Chub program, Region 5, USFS, and USFWS staff stocked 100 Gila Trout (Whiskey Creek lineage) into the upper section of Marijilda Creek near Shannon Campground.

I really want to thank all of the staff and volunteers who helped out with this stocking event!! Your help makes these projects possible and it is greatly appreciated! I would also like to thank Evan Mosser from Mora National Fish Hatchery for delivering all the fish for these stockings, along with the rest of the staff at Mora NFH for raising these fish!

Finally, you can view photos from these stockings in this folder. If you helped out and have photos you’re willing to share please upload them to that folder in the appropriate subfolder.

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone I may have missed and let me know if you have any questions!


Zachary Beard | Native Trout and Chub Coordinator
Arizona Game and Fish Department
MOBILE: 414.534.4747
OFFICE: 623.236.7653
EMAIL: | 5000 West Carefree Highway, Phoenix AZ 85086
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